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*Dr. Steve Perry’s new syndicated talk show has been picked up for a limited run by Fox TV stations and will launch at the top of the year! 

Perry is a respected educator and advocate, best known for creating educational opportunities for children. His new daytime talker “Breakthrough With Dr. Steve Perry” will air for two weeks, beginning Jan. 7, 2019, at various times in eight markets, including WNYW in New York, KTTV in Los Angeles, KTXH in Houston, WAGA in Atlanta, KUTP in Phoenix, WJBK in Detroit, WOFL in Orlando and WJZY in Charlotte.

“I am proud to announce my daytime show on @FOXTV,  “Breakthrough with @DrStevePerry” starts on 1/7/19,” Perry wrote on Twitter. “In this honest nonjudgmental space you’ll see ppl pushed past comfort to their Breakthroughs. Just like we do in our schools, we’re gonna go THERE to uncover what matters.”

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“We are excited to bring Dr. Perry’s unique voice and inspiring perspective to daytime,” Angelica McDaniel, EVP, Syndicated Program Development for CTD, said. “He has been committed to improving the lives of American families for decades, and we are thrilled to be taking the work he does in his office every day and moving it to television so that millions more people can benefit from his wisdom and advice.”

Added Frank Cicha, SVP of Programming for Fox TV Stations, “We think Breakthrough has potential. And being able to present it in January, when there isn’t much going on in syndication, makes it that much more compelling. Our goal is to deliver fresh programming year-round, so we’re glad to be working with CBS on this.”

As noted by Deadline, “Perry, a best-selling author, was the focus of CNN’s Black in America series, Education Contributor for CNN and MSNBC, an Essence Magazine columnist, and host of the docudrama for TVOne Save My Son.”

“Everybody needs a breakthrough! I am humbled and excited to take people through theirs,” Perry said. “What makes TV matter is when it adds value to our lives. There’s nothing more valuable than learning how to arrive at a breakthrough, and I look forward to sharing that experience with viewers.”


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*Former first lady Michelle Obama served up a candid interview with “Good Morning America” co-anchor Robin Roberts ahead of the Tuesday release of her highly anticipated memoir “Becoming,” and she shared the vital advice she’d give her pre-White House self if she could travel back in time. 

“You know the hard parts were the things that I expected,” Michelle Obama told Roberts in the exclusive interview.

“That it was gonna be hard, you know? Being the first black anything is gonna be hard.”

“So much of this country lives in isolation and we just don’t know each other. … There were people who didn’t know what a black woman was and sounded like. And, so I knew that was gonna be a challenge, that I’d have to earn my grace — and I experienced that on the campaign trail,” she said.

Obama and Roberts’ conversation covered a range of topics including Michelle’s miscarriage, going through IVF, Donald Trump Obama’s candidacy for president.

Watch the clip below.

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She also explained that when she saw her husband on the cover of Time magazine in October 2006 with the headline, “Why Barack Obama could be the next president,” she couldn’t bring herself to read it. 

“I think I did what a lot of black folks were doing,” she told Roberts. “We were afraid to hope because it’s hard to believe that the country that oppressed you could one day be led by you, you know?”

Michelle shared that while she totally supported Barack’s run for the presidency, she didn’t think he’d win. 

“I mean, my grandparents, you know, lived through segregation,” she continued. “My grandfather, his grandfather was a slave, you know? So this, these memories were real. And they didn’t think the country was ready. And, and so my attitude was a reflection of that skepticism.”

On the campaign trail, she was insulted and her patriotism was questioned.

“I write about those, you know, those nasty times where people, you know, called me Barack’s ‘baby mama,’ you know? Accused me of not loving my country. … Told me I was angry,” she said. And, I was, like, ‘This isn’t me. Wait, wait, people. This isn’t who I am.'”

As reported by, Obama admitted to Roberts that the criticism she endured during her husband’s campaign hurt.

“I don’t think we do each other a service by pretending like hurtful things don’t hurt,” she told Roberts.

“And, that’s what I’ve come to. … I need to own that hurt. I need to talk about it. I need to put it out there for myself so that I can heal from it. But at the time, oh gosh, you know? I wasn’t gonna allow myself to feel victimized from it because there was no time to hurt in that role.”

As we previously reported, Michelle Obama heavily criticized Donald Trump in her much-anticipated memoir, “Becoming,” and says he jeopardized her family’s safety by propagating the false ‘birther’ conspiracy theory.

“The whole [birther] thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed. But it was also dangerous, deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks,” she writes. “What if someone with an unstable mind loaded a gun and drove to Washington? What if that person went looking for our girls? Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family’s safety at risk. And for this I’d never forgive him.”

Trump responded Friday to Obama’s comments by pointing the finger at his predecessor.

“She got paid a lot of money to write a book and they always expect a little controversy,” Trump told reporters. “I’ll give you a little controversy back, I’ll never forgive [President Barack Obama] for what he did to our U.S. military. It was depleted, and I had to fix it.”

“What he did to our military made this country very unsafe for you and you and you,” he added.

Roberts’ candid conversation with Obama aired during a primetime ABC News special, “Becoming Michelle: A First Lady’s Journey with Robin Roberts,” on Sunday ( Nov. 11).  



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In a statement to TMZNelly says: “The truth will come out, and I will be vindicated. These types of false allegations undermine real claims of sexual abuse/harassment by real victims.”

He’s also defending his GF, Shantel, saying she’s been through enough. “I am a father to a beautiful strong woman. I was raised by a strong single woman. I love them all very much. I own my actions and take responsibility for my conduct with Monique Greene. We had CONSENSUAL sex after meeting in a club. Period. And for that I had to deal with the repercussions of my poor choice. I am repairing the trust that I broke with Shantel, I have apologized to my family and friends for the embarrassment I have caused them. And, I am committed to be a better man.”

Nelly adds, “I do NOT plan on walking away quietly. I have to speak up for my family and for the real victims strong enough to come forward and face people that have actually assaulted them.”


Earlier, we reported …

*Damn, damn, damn. If you believe these new accusations, St. Louis rapper Nelly has let his little head get him in serious trouble … again.

This time, a woman is suing him for an alleged sexual assault after one of his shows in England. The unidentified woman (she filed the claim as a Jane Doe), asserts Nelly masturbated in front of her multiple times after a December 2017 concert in Essex. By the way, according to TMZ, Nelly was under criminal investigation in February after the woman came forward with the allegations.

In docs, obtained by TMZ, she says they met during a meet-and-greet and he whispered in her ear to stay behind. She did, but that’s when she claims he dropped his pants and started masturbating while saying, “You want this d**k don’t you.”


Doe claims she rebuffed him several times but Nelly would not back off, and told her he wanted to ejaculate on her. She says she told him something to effect of … “You may have more quid in your bank than I do. But this doesn’t make you any more special. Pull your trousers back up and f*** off.”

The woman claims Nelly got aggressive and clenched his fist — and when she asked if he was going to hit her, he allegedly said … “No I’m just frustrated. I’m not used to not getting my way, just do it.” She claims he forced his penis into her mouth, and that’s when she jumped back and was able to flee the room.

The woman is also suing Nelly’s GF, Shantel Jackson, for calling her a liar on Twitter.

Lastly, if you recall, Nelly and another woman, Monique Greene, reached a mutual settlement after he was accused of raping her on his tour bus in October 2017.


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*Charlamagne tha God welcomed his third daughter in September with wife Jessica Gadsden, and “The Breakfast Club” co-host says being the father of all girls brings a new perspective on how he digests the news.

“When I see a school shooting, when I hear about women getting abused, I think about all of that because I’ve got three little girls,” the radio personality said in an episode of “The Dr. Oz Show” that will air Wednesday. “So, I don’t know if that’s something that’s supposed to go away.”

Charlamagne, 40, said when it comes to his kids, he’s ready to “micromanage” their every move.

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“You got to micromanage your situation when it comes to your kids, right?”

During his conversation with Dr. Oz, the NY Times bestselling author addressed his teenage years as a drug dealer, sharing that he “did a lot of bad in the hood.”

“That’s why I like to pay it forward a lot,” he said. “That’s why I do things like book bag giveaways in the summer and turkey drives during Thanksgiving. I just try to help people as much as I can because of all the hell I caused in the hood, I want to bring some good to the hood now.”

Last week, Charlamagne canceled a scheduled TimesTalk discussion about mental health with Kanye West.

“Normalizing being mentally healthy is a conversation that I really wanted to have with Kanye West because he’s been so vocal about his own mental health struggles,” he wrote on Instagram last week.

“Unfortunately I think to have that conversation with him right now would not be productive and a total distraction from the point of the convo which is to eradicate the stigma of mental health especially in the black community.”



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*Former first lady Michelle Obama served up a candid interview with “Good Morning America” co-anchor Robin Roberts ahead of the Tuesday release of her highly anticipated memoir “Becoming,” and she shared the vital advice she’d give her pre-White House self if she could travel back in time. 

“You know the hard parts were the things that I expected,” Michelle Obama told Roberts in the exclusive interview.

“That it was gonna be hard, you know? Being the first black anything is gonna be hard.”

“So much of this country lives in isolation and we just don’t know each other. … There were people who didn’t know what a black woman was and sounded like. And, so I knew that was gonna be a challenge, that I’d have to earn my grace — and I experienced that on the campaign trail,” she said.

Obama and Roberts’ conversation covered a range of topics including Michelle’s miscarriage, going through IVF, Donald Trump Obama’s candidacy for president.

Watch the clip below.

OTHER NEWS YOU MIGHT HAVE MISSED: Fans Praise Tamar Braxton’s New Beau as ‘Sexy Jesus’ and Slam Her Ex Vincent Herbert as ‘Fat’

She also explained that when she saw her husband on the cover of Time magazine in October 2006 with the headline, “Why Barack Obama could be the next president,” she couldn’t bring herself to read it. 

“I think I did what a lot of black folks were doing,” she told Roberts. “We were afraid to hope because it’s hard to believe that the country that oppressed you could one day be led by you, you know?”

Michelle shared that while she totally supported Barack’s run for the presidency, she didn’t think he’d win. 

“I mean, my grandparents, you know, lived through segregation,” she continued. “My grandfather, his grandfather was a slave, you know? So this, these memories were real. And they didn’t think the country was ready. And, and so my attitude was a reflection of that skepticism.”

On the campaign trail, she was insulted and her patriotism was questioned.

“I write about those, you know, those nasty times where people, you know, called me Barack’s ‘baby mama,’ you know? Accused me of not loving my country. … Told me I was angry,” she said. And, I was, like, ‘This isn’t me. Wait, wait, people. This isn’t who I am.'”

As reported by, Obama admitted to Roberts that the criticism she endured during her husband’s campaign hurt.

“I don’t think we do each other a service by pretending like hurtful things don’t hurt,” she told Roberts.

“And, that’s what I’ve come to. … I need to own that hurt. I need to talk about it. I need to put it out there for myself so that I can heal from it. But at the time, oh gosh, you know? I wasn’t gonna allow myself to feel victimized from it because there was no time to hurt in that role.”

As we previously reported, Michelle Obama heavily criticized Donald Trump in her much-anticipated memoir, “Becoming,” and says he jeopardized her family’s safety by propagating the false ‘birther’ conspiracy theory.

“The whole [birther] thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed. But it was also dangerous, deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks,” she writes. “What if someone with an unstable mind loaded a gun and drove to Washington? What if that person went looking for our girls? Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family’s safety at risk. And for this I’d never forgive him.”

Trump responded Friday to Obama’s comments by pointing the finger at his predecessor.

“She got paid a lot of money to write a book and they always expect a little controversy,” Trump told reporters. “I’ll give you a little controversy back, I’ll never forgive [President Barack Obama] for what he did to our U.S. military. It was depleted, and I had to fix it.”

“What he did to our military made this country very unsafe for you and you and you,” he added.

Roberts’ candid conversation with Obama aired during a primetime ABC News special, “Becoming Michelle: A First Lady’s Journey with Robin Roberts,” on Sunday ( Nov. 11).  


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*Wait a minute, Nancy Pelosi! We know YOU are convinced that you have enough votes from your Democratic colleagues to be Speaker of the House, but you might want to slow your roll. It might not be as easy as you think.

Apparently not every Democrat in Congress is down with you. Take Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) for instance. She  is all but announcing her intention to run for House speaker against Pelosi. She tested the waters Thursday by slamming Pelosi and putting race at the forefront of her campaign.

Here More via Huff Post:

While she stopped short of officially throwing her hat in the ring during a sit-down interview with HuffPost, Fudge said she’s been “overwhelmed” by the number of people reaching out to support her potential speaker bid. She thinks the the opposition to Pelosi in the caucus is much greater than the 17 Democrats who have signed a letter saying they won’t support Pelosi to be speaker, and Fudge said if the vote were held today, Pelosi would be well short of the numbers.

“I don’t hate Nancy. I think Nancy has been a very good leader,” Fudge told HuffPost. “I just think it’s time for a new one.”

But you could be forgiven for thinking Fudge hates Pelosi. During the course of our interview, the former Congressional Black Caucus chairwoman made it clear she thinks Pelosi has not been a vocal enough advocate for African Americans in Congress, she dismissed suggestions that Pelosi had led Democrats back to the majority, and she painted herself as equally liberal as Pelosi.

“I don’t have a pitch because at this point I’ve not decided I’m going to run,” Fudge said, “but I would say this: My concern about the caucus is the same concern I have about the country. Just as there is this undertone of racism in the country, there’s also that in our caucus.”


Fudge pointed to Pelosi’s refusal to endorse in the race for Majority Whip, a race between current No. 3 Democrat ― and CBC stalwart ― Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), and Dianna DeGette (D-Colo.).

“But she wants our endorsements?” Fudge said of Pelosi. “Who has she endorsed?”

“We’re not feeling the love,” Fudge added.

Fudge pushed back on suggestions that she may just be a stalking horse candidate for Clyburn or another CBC member to mount a speaker bid ― someone like Clyburn, current CBC Chairman Cedric Richmond (D-La.), or Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.). She said anyone who thinks that doesn’t know her very well, and she shot down a suggestion that her toying with a speaker run could also be about combatting a narrative that it is a bunch of misogynist white men who are trying to dethrone Pelosi ― or that the Pelosi opposition is coming exclusively from moderates.

Oh yeah, this is going to get real interesting. Get the rest of the story at HuffPost.



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*The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce announced Tuesday that rap icon Snoop Dogg will be honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Nov. 19.

The West Coast legend will receive the 2,651st star on Hollywood Boulevard, in front of “Jimmy Kimmel Live!,” and the host will present Snoop with the honor during a taping of the show.

“Snoop Dogg is one of those people who can do anything. He raps, he acts, he hosts a television show, he cooks and helps community kids with his philanthropic work,” said Ana Martinez, producer of the Hollywood Walk of Fame. “He is a man of the ages and we welcome him to our Hollywood Walk of Fame.”

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The Grammy-nominated performer is being recognized for his chart-topping singles, 17 studio albums and his ventures in sports, television and more.

Earlier this year, Snoop Dogg announced his first-ever cookbook, “From Crook to Cook,” and it offers some surprisingly good tips for Thanksgiving dinner.

“Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays,” Snoop says, “because it’s a double-hitter — you got good food and you got good football on the same day. I got a game-day menu in my book with plenty of munchies you can make before the main event. The best are the Suited and Booted Loaded Nachos. So easy and cheesy. All you do is spread your favorite chips on a baking pan, load ’em up with toppings, and bake in the oven. One pan slam.”

Snoop recently shared a series of Instagram videos showing him smoking a blunt outside the White House and saying “f*ck the president.”



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*On an upcoming episode of “Rickey Smiley For Real,” the comedian hangs with singer/talk show host Syleena Johnson and reality TV star/talk show host Quad Webb-Lunceford of “Sister Circle Live.”

When the two ladies visit Rickey Smiley at his “Dish Nation” offices to tape a segment for their daytime talker, he charms them with his hilarious antics and his infamous “Roll Tide.”

Get a glimpse of the conversation via the clip above.

“Rickey Smiley For Real” airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on TV One.

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In related news, we previously reported that Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA) announced it has selected  TV One’s Cleo TV and Afrotainment’s Afro to be broadly distributed on Comcast Cable systems beginning in January 2019.

“We’re at a pivotal moment in history where women are making a huge impact in our society and culture, especially women of color,” said Michelle Rice, TV One’s General Manager.  “CLEO TV will offer a diverse mix of lifestyle and entertainment content through the unique lens of Millennial and young Gen-X women of color, an audience segment that is currently underserved.  CLEO TV will leverage the comprehensive media platform of our parent company Urban One, Inc. which includes digital, television and radio divisions that will each play an integral role in bringing this new network to the marketplace.  We are grateful to Comcast for the tremendous opportunity to elevate new voices in our industry.”

About Afrotainment

Afrotainment, a Florida-based company edits, operates and distributes eight networks from its state-of-the-art film and television studios in Orlando and Queens, New York. Afrotainment channels are available in the US and Canada via cable, satellite, fiber-optic and OTT platforms. Visit for more information.

About CLEO TV 

Launching in January 2019, CLEO TV is a lifestyle and entertainment network targeting Millennial and Gen X women of color.  Derived from the name Cleopatra, one of the most powerful, trendsetting, rule-breaking and iconic women in history, CLEO TV will offer quality content that defies negative and cultural stereotypes of today’s modern women.  The network promises a unique and diverse offering of short-form and long-form content including travel, home design, cooking, talk shows, movies, docu-series, sitcoms and much more.  CLEO TV is solely owned by Urban One, Inc., formerly known as Radio One, Inc. [NASDAQ: UONE and UONEK,], the largest African-American owned multi-media company primarily targeting Black and urban audiences.



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*Mo’Nique left a sour taste in the mouths of many when she stood up for herself against streaming platform Netflix, accusing the company of racial and gender bias. She even called out radio personality Charlamagne tha God for giving her “Donkey of the Day” for defending fellow comedian Roseanne Barr, after she was slammed for a racist tweet.

As reported by thejasminebrand.comMo revisits these controversies in a new interview and explains why she thinks Charlamagne puts poison on airwaves and why she doesn’t regret putting Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry, and Lee Daniels on blast. 

See the excerpts below (via theJasminebrand).

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Does she regret what she said about Winfrey, Perry, and Daniels:

Never. Lemme tell you something, I said one thing on stage a couple years ago at the Apollo about (“Precious” producer) Oprah Winfrey, (“Precious” director”) Lee Daniels and (“Precious” producer) Tyler Perry, and people say, ‘Do you regret saying that?’ And then I pause and I say, ‘Hell no, I don’t regret it.’ I meant every word I said.


That movie cost $10 million to make and it made $63 million. I was paid $50,000. And because black actresses are so underpaid, Lee Daniels thought that was a lot of money. I’m going to quote him, in my dressing room, as we were between scenes: ‘I got you paid on this one.’ And I said, ‘Lee, I say this with all humility, but that’s not money. Baby, I make that in one hour standing up on the stage doing comedy.’ In their minds, I’m a fat black woman and I should be honored that they were even calling on me. But if I’m in Cannes for even one day and I’m making you money but I’m not making me money, I cannot do that.

Why she did it:

The biggest risk is me saying nothing and the woman in the mirror looking back at me saying, ‘You’re such a coward.’ That’s the risk. When that woman looks back at me in the mirror, I want her to say, ‘You damn right. You damn right. Keep going.’

Her feelings towards Charlamange tha God:

Because I know that every morning he turns that button on, he’s poisoning my community. It makes me sick to my stomach. So I wasn’t trying to be funny or offensive — I’m going to call you by your name because we’re having a real conversation right now. We’re not in pretend — and that name is pretend. We’ve got to talk for real right now. And when he calls me Donkey of the Day because I was asking for equality, are you crazy? When you hear a man say that, I had to talk to him — with love also, because I love that brother. But it’s disheartening to know that he sits behind that microphone and millions of people listen to the poison that he puts in our community. So I’m gonna keep on speaking about the inequality in Hollywood. I have to.

The Oscar-winning actress alludes to her late-night BET talk show being called as a result of her being blackballed:

I will say ‘The Mo’Nique Show’ was the highest rated show in that time slot in the history of BET and it doubled the ratings for the network. Now, I can’t make that make sense. Can you? We got picked up for a third season and then that was called back. Think about the timing of all of this and I’m going to let you put this all together. I can’t assume nothing. But I’m just telling you, think about the timing. How do you let go of a show that’s doubled the numbers for your network — with no explanation?



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A source connected to Kim told TMZ that she had been suffering flu-like symptoms, and possibly pneumonia, for several weeks, but it’s still unclear what exactly caused her death. Another source says Kim had contacted her doctor just yesterday complaining she wasn’t feeling any better.

Earlier we reported …

*Holy Crap! We’ve just learned that Kim Porter, the model and actress who dated Sean Diddy Combs for 13 years and is the mother of three of his kids, was found dead Thursday at her L.A. area home

Law enforcement sources told TMZ they got a call from Porter’s Toluca Lake home around noon. According to emergency dispatch audio (listen above) the call came in as a patient in cardiac arrest.

Here’s more via TMZ:

A source connected to Kim tells us she’d been suffering pneumonia for several weeks, but it’s still unclear what exactly caused her death.


Diddy and Kim’s relationship spanned more than a decade with several breakups and makeups. They started dating in 1994 and broke up, for the last time, in 2007.

Kim and Diddy have 3 children together — twin girls Jessie James and D’Lila were born in 2006, and she had their son, Christian Combs, in 1998. She also has a son, Quincy, from her previous relationship with Al B. Sure!.

Porter worked as both a model and an actress, and she made appearances on Diddy’s show, “I Want to Work for Diddy.”

Diddy’s rep Cindi Berger tells us, “Sadly, I can confirm the passing of Kim Porter. I ask that you give the families privacy at this time.”

Wow. More proof that tomorrow is not promised to anyone!

Developing …



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*Jada Pinkett Smith and her mother, Adrienne Banfield-Jones, served up a candid discussion on race in America during the latest episode of “Red Table Talk.”

Smith’s mother kept it all the way real when she recalled how she felt when her daughter dated a white man named John.

“It’s really difficult for me because we have white people in our family,” she explained before telling Jada, 47, and her granddaughter Willow what she learned from her own mother.

“I repeated what Mommy told me, was that you have to learn to get along with white people, but don’t ever bring them home,” she said, nothing that was the reason why she took issue with Jada’s white boyfriend back in the day. Mama admits that she never gave herself the “opportunity to even like John.”

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nd when her nephew married a white woman, that didn’t go over well either. 

“Just like I said, we have people in our family [who are white] and I’ve given them a hard time,” she said. “Jason is married to a white woman … She will tell you we gave her a hard time because we didn’t welcome her with open arms and she really had to prove herself. I feel bad about that.”

But when a female relative married a white man, he was embraced because “he acted more black.”

“Historically you would think that bringing a white man into the family would be more of an issue than a white woman,” Smith said. “This runs deeper than we even are conscious of.”

Watch the conversation via the clip above (contains explicit language).



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*They don’t call this little heffa “Bad Bhabie” for nothin’. Her real name is Danielle Bregoli and she straight went at Iggy Azalea by throwing a clear liquid (water?) at her inside Cardi B’s Fashion Nova launch event at Boulevard 3 in Hollywood Wednesday night.

TMZ was there and reports that it was pure bedlam in the aftermath of the attack: Iggy’s crew started talking smack at Bhabie while her security held her (Bhabie) back. They couldn’t stop her from running her mouth, though. But then again, you’re talking about a wild-ass 15-year-old rapper attacking a 28-year-old rapper who’s also known to be crazy at times.

Anyway, so what made Bhabie to go at Azalea in the first place? The beef apparently started because Iggy talked stuff on social media, saying who would even go to one of Bhabie’s shows? Well, Miss Danielle fired back that Iggy should so she could remember what a sold-out show looks like (Ouch. Good, Bad Bhabie).

Outside the venue, Danielle was still stoked and she insisted “ain’t nobody worried about that f**kin’ hoe!!”

As for Iggy Azalea, she was all cool and calm … totally unfazed unfazed by the situation, she said she hopes it wasn’t alcohol Bhabie threw because “she’s a little kid.”


Afterwards, Azalea took to Twitter to address what happened:




She also addressed the altercation in an Instagram Story:

I’m driving home, so I have to look at the road, but I’ve got a long drive so I want to say this while I can before I forget. I get that this little girl has made a name for herself acting a damn fool on television and online, but I’m a grown-up. I’m not about to waste my energy on that shit or be fighting a kid in a club. Come on. I came to get a check. I left with a check. You left with your bags stuffed over there and you look silly. I’m not going to be scrambling around on the floor for a 15-year-old girl on the internet. I have to laugh. I don’t know. I just think people want clout really bad. Mama, good luck with your career. You’re young. You’re going to look back on this and you’re going to really feel dumb. I just think that shit’s lame as hell, but maybe it’s ’cause I’m a grown-up.”

Bhad Bhabie also took to her Instagram Story to get her 2 cents in:

Bye broke bich. Bye hoe. Glad u left wit a bag cuz u certainly ain’t making no money from music anymore. It’s simple. Don’t talk all sorts of shit on the internet n come up to me like u my friend. Some of these hoes like u fake n 2 faced as fuckk vbut I’m NOT that bich.”

This story leaves us with two questions:

1. How did a 15-year-juvenile old get into the club in the first place?
2. If the two had actually fought, who would you have picked? The kid or the adult?



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*On Thursday, Nov. 15, The Real welcomes back guest co-host White House Correspondent, Washington Bureau Chief of American Urban Radio Networks and CNN Political Analyst April Ryan.

Today, the ladies discuss the difference between commitment and complacency in a job and if should children’s school photos be retouched. Also, co-host Jeannie Mai describes her father’s selflessness when she attempts to give him presents.

Then actress, comedian, and now author Kym Whitley stops by to talk about her book, The Delusion of Cinderella, running into former students from her teaching days, and the travel hacks that she swears by.

And New York City week continues as The Real gives away a bundle of cash to a lucky viewer in Hotline Bling!

Kym Whitley’s Travel Hacks

Kym Whitley’s Travel Hacks

April Ryan: So, Kym. You travel a lot for work and the holidays are coming up… So, do you have any great travel hacks for us, you know?

Kym Whitley: Oh…

Jeannie Mai: Yea.

April: Uh oh!

Kym: Y’all know me. This one knows me.

April: Look at her smile. And she’s rocking the smile.

Kym: Okay, ‘cuz you know some of the airlines, you don’t have assigned seats.

Adrienne Houghton: Yea.

Kym: So, when I get on there, I want to sit by myself.  So, I get on there, I put on my neck pillow on my head, I start coughing (makes coughing sound).

April: You make yourself look crazy.

Kym: Oh, yea. I do bird calls. (makes bird calling noises)

Adrienne: Yea, I’m not sitting next to you.

Loni Love: Keep on walking by.

Kym: When I tell you, people call, they walk on by. I cough on my hand and be like ‘how you doing?’

Adrienne: Oh my gosh!

Kym: And then for some, I make myself real wide. I’ll be like this. (stretches out her arms)

April: And I believe her! I believe you!



Twitter: @TheRealDaytime




Photo  credit: Robert Voets/Warner Bros. Television


About The Real

Led by bold, diverse and outspoken Emmy Award-winning hosts, Adrienne Houghton, Loni Love, Jeannie Mai and Tamera Mowry-Housley all frankly say what women are actually thinking. THE REAL is a live daily, one-hour NAACP Image Award-winning and Emmy-nominated talk show on Fox Television Stations and in national syndication (check local listings), with a rebroadcast on cable network Bounce. The hosts’ unique perspectives are brought to life through candid conversations about their personal lives, current events, beauty, fashion and relationships (nothing is off limits). Unlike other talk shows, THE REAL hosts are admittedly a “work in progress,” and fearlessly invite viewers to reflect on their own lives and opinions. Fresh points of view, youthful energy and passion have made THE REAL a platform for multicultural women. Produced by Telepictures Productions and distributed by Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, The Real is led by Executive Producer, Rachel Miskowiec (Good Morning America, Katie, The Tyra Banks Show, Judge Hatchett, The Ricki Lake Show) and shot in Los Angeles, California.



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*Lehman Center for the Performing Arts is presenting Ballet Folklorico de Mexico de Amalia Hernandez on Sunday, November 18, 2018 at 4:00 pm.

Mexico’s most prestigious folkloric dance company presents a colorful evening of traditional dance and music with sophisticated costumes and powerful and accomplished dancers. Ballet Folklórico de México de Amalia Hernández is the number one promoter of Mexican dance throughout the world. The Dance Troupe takes a journey into the diverse Mexican cultures – past and present!

In 1952, dancer and choreographer Amalia Hernandez founded the BALLET FOLKLÓRICO DE MÉXICO, having embarked at a very early age on a never-ending quest to rescue the dancing traditions of Mexico. This vital search became a basic need to express not only in Mexico, but includes the rest of the world. Her goal was to share the beauty of the Universe in motion through Mexican dances from the pre-Colombian era, the Hispanic Viceroy period, and the popular period of the Revolutionary years.

In 1954, Amalia began to garner recognition as a highly respected cultural representative of Mexico. In her earliest ballets, the audience saw modern dances and dances that travel back in time bringing back to life the lords of heaven and earth,, the jaguars, the gods born of human flesh; and thirty different cultures that blossomed in centuries past. All of these elements together gave Amalia Hernández the inspiration to create the Ballet Folklórico de México. A weekly program on Mexican television sponsored by the government aired the Ballet’s initial performances. Merely a few years into their formation, the company achieved a degree of international success that has been maintained for over fifty years.

Amalia Hernández and the Ballet Folklórico de México have since created over forty ballets for upwards of seventy dancers. The music, technical rigor, elaborate costuming and Amalia’s choreography have helped the Ballet and its followers disseminate the zest for rich Mexican tradition and folklore throughout the world. Since 1959, the company has been permanently housed at the Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico City. The institution has two main artistic companies called The First Company and the Resident Company, both whom alternate tours and performances in Mexico and abroad. The company has currently given over 5,000 performances and both Amalia Hernández and the Ballet Folklórico de México have been distinguished with more than 300 awards recognizing their artistic merits.

Lehman Center is under renovation so concert goers will find the lobbies have been upgraded for ADA compliance with new ramps and carpeting. The interior of the theater has new seating, carpeted aisles, and finished flooring as well. The $15.4 million dollar refurbishment of the Center is expected to be completed by mid-2019 and will include 5,400 square feet of enlarged space with a new main entrance and a redesigned box office, plus new administration offices and restroom facilities on the first and mezzanine floors, and an elevator. The Center seats 2,278 people in the concert hall and is the largest of its kind in the borough. Funding for the project is being provided by the Office of the Governor, the New York State Legislature, the Bronx delegation of the New York City Council, and the Office of the Bronx Borough President. Additional funding is being raised with a seat naming initiative, which allows community members to make a personal connection with one of New York City’s most important not-for-profit entertainment venues.

Lehman Center for the Performing Arts is on the campus of Lehman College/CUNY located at 250 Bedford Park Boulevard West, Bronx, NY 10468. Tickets for BALLET FOLKLÓRICO DE MÉXICO featured on Sunday, November 18th, 2018 at 4:00 pm are $45, $40, $25 | Children 12 & under pay $10 for any seat. Call the Lehman Center Box Office for tickets at 718-960-8833 or via online access at

Deardra Shuler has experience in theatre, music, concert promotion, television and publishing. She was affiliated with the Negro Ensemble Company and is a former manager of the children’s theatre,”TADA.” She has produced and promoted concerts in Madison Square Garden, Carnegie Hall, and Radio City Music Hall.
Ms. Shuler is the former Editor and Managing Editor of three New York City minority newspapers. Presently, she is the Entertainment Editor of The Black Star News. As a freelance writer she writes for several New York City newspapers; including the Examiner, Amsterdam News and Eurweb.

Deardra freelances for Afrocentricnews in California. She is the former PR chairman for the FESPACO film festival in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, Africa, and is presently program manager for where she also hosts her own show “Topically Yours.”



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*Motown friends and family came together last week in Tarzana (CA), to enjoy the 11th Annual “Friends of Fuller Gordy Strikefest,” one of the most anticipated bowling, concert, dining and philanthropic events of the season.

Entertainment celebrities, business leaders and Motown alumni showed up last Wednesday, November 7, to celebrate the legacy of Fuller Gordy, a Motown Vice-President and older brother of Motown Founder Berry Gordy, who was known throughout the entertainment industry as a caring humanitarian and mentor to many. A successful bowler, Fuller Gordy became the first black bowler, from Michigan, to be inducted into the Professional Bowlers’ Association.

“He was always a leader,” said Berry Gordy of Fuller during the evening. “So, if I had one word to describe tonight, it would be gratitude. His granddaughter (Karla) and daughter (Iris) have done such a wonderful job every year. It’s so much fun and everybody has a good time.”

Fuller’s daughter, Iris Gordy, a former Motown vice president and granddaughter, Karla Gordy Bristol, a TV and social media talk show host, founded “Friends of Fuller Gordy Strikefest,” which is the event of the year for an organization dedicated to honoring outstanding young individuals and organizations that inspire, educate and uplift. Their 2018 honoree is the Little Miss African American Scholarship Pageant, founded by Lisa Ruffin, which spotlights girls ages 6-12.

One of the attendees was the 2018 Little Miss African American Scholarship Pageant winner Nasreen el Shabazz and her mom, Sheryl Lively, who was happy the pageant and Ruffin received recognition.

“She (Nasreen) had done it four times in a row before she finally won,” said Lively. “We encourage her to follow her dreams and never to give up. It was hard, because it took her four times. She just turned 12 and she was 8 when she started.”

“This kind of event, it teaches you never to give up,” Lively continued. “Life is hard and you’ll have challenges and stuff, but you still have to follow your dreams. This was hard and it was hard for me as a mother to see her hurt, but she gave it everything she could. But if you want something, you have to keep going for it and I’m really proud of her that she didn’t give up.”

Lively is also glad Ruffin and the pageant was getting recognition.

“Oh, my God! She is all for the kids”, said Lively. “She’s done this for 25 years and just when it seemed it was time to fold or give up, she keeps going, The young ladies she’s brought to her pageant, they come back with college degrees.”

“So, I’m just honored to be here with Motown and I’m so happy for Lisa, that she’s getting honored and acknowledged, because she’s so deserving of it.”

As for the 2018 Little Miss African American Pageant winner herself, Nasreen el Shabazz, she said the pageant teaches you to be confident, love you for yourself and to go after your dreams.

“I kept going even after falling short a few times because I just thought, ‘This wasn’t my year. It was another girl’s year, she said. “So if I kept trying, I felt it would eventually be my year – and I kept trying and it was!”


As for Lisa Ruffin, she could hardly contain her emotion over her organization and her being honored at Strikefest.

“I’m totally overwhelmed. I’m extremely overwhelmed and so thankful,” said Ruffin. “I’m still shocked, actually, because I just did this from my heart and that’s how the organization has been operating for 25 years. So for people of this stature to acknowledge our work, it’s just shocking to me.”

“I want my girls to experience things it may have taken me 30 years to experience”, she said. “I want them to know if they have the confidence and the drive, they can do anything. If I see a girl  has an interest in science or math or dance classes, we try to make that happen. We start at a young age, 6-12, because we feel it’s important to teach them good habits early, rather than wait for them to develop bad habits and correct them. So we want them to get it right the first time – and it seems to be working!


Speaking of pageants, Miss Black California of 1971, Kathleen Bradley, was in attendance as well.

“Well, I know Iris and Karla and I went to the first one,” Bradley said. “It’s just a great opportunity for me to come and be able to help lend my celebrity, raise some money and have good times with friends and family for a very worthy cause.”

“It’s a pleasure to be able to honor Fuller Gordy – who was the most wonderful guy and when I was with the singing group The Love Machine in the Seventies, so it’s great to be back with the Motown family now.”

David Kershenbaum, a multi-platinum record producer whose clients included Tracy Chapman and Lauren Taines were also in attendance.

“I like what Iris and Karla are doing,” said Taines. “They’re raising money to fund various educational projects, so I help how I can and what I like is they are raising money for various educational concerns for the kids.”

“I met Karla a couple of months ago and she invited me and I thought it was such a worthwhile cause,” said Kershenbaum.”I love charities and I certainly love education for children.”

“I also grew up with Motown, so it’s particularly dear to my heart,” he added. “I was looking and thinking about how when Motown was at it’s peak, how wonderful the times were – how innocent and easier it was to create something special than it is today..That music was a soundtrack for many people who had a chance to listen.”

One of the bands that contributed to Motown’s heyday was Switch, who performed at Strikefest.

“We’re friends of Iris and Karla and we’ve known of the event for years,” said Greg Williams, one of the group’s founders. “We knew a lot about Fuller, so we understand the event. It’s an annual event in his honor to represent his philanthropy over the years.”

“We signed with Motown in 1978 and were there for five years and sold 8 million records. So we’re part of their history as well, ” said Williams. “This is our family. Our folks.”

Karla Gordy Bristol said she was happy the way the night went.

“The Fuller Gordy Strikefest, which I’ve been doing for 11 years, with my mother – well, this may have been the most exciting night,” said Gordy Bristol. “To see the happy faces throughout the room, and people coming up to me saying, ‘This is amazing!’ … and everybody being warm to each other – I really love that. That lets me know that we’re doing something great – and doing something that must continue.”

Gordy Bristol also feels the event reflects on her family’s legacy.

“It says a lot,” she said. “I think it shows people what the Gordy family is about – that they’re a loving family, a giving family, a caring family and that they’re down to Earth and enjoy people.”




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*After video circulated of a Black student getting escorted out of class, the University of Texas at San Antonio opened an investigation that has resulted in the white professor who called the police being relieved of her duties for the rest of the semester.

Biology instructor Anita Moss sparked outrage Monday after she called the police on a Black female student who had allegedly rested her feet on a chair. Moss had repeatedly asked students to take their feet off chairs in what was described as a “pet peeve” of the professor, according to a report by interim dean Howard Grimes published Wednesday, per

“So this happened today in class, a girl had her feet up and the professor called the police after calling our class uncivil,” student Apurva Rawal tweeted along with video of the incident.

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The student at the center of the controversy, with the Twitter handle @FavoritePaigeee, wrote on Monday:  “Upon entering class I was told I needed to leave or would be escorted out by officers, I never disobeyed the student code of conduct. Not once. A police report is being filed atm, this is just the beginning. Thanks for your support!”

According to the report, Moss was so incensed by the ongoing problem of student disobedience that she attempted to send “FavoritePaigeee” an email on Sunday telling her not to show up for class until they could discuss the situation, but the message was mistakenly sent to another student in the class, according to Grimes.

When the student showed up for class on Monday, Moss told her to leave after showing her the email. 

Grimes writes in the report that the student said: “this class is very important to me and attending this class is part of my grade and I do not want to miss the lecture as we have a test coming on Wednesday.”

When Moss threatened to call the police, the student said, “do what you need to do.” She was then hauled away by three officers.

“I did not believe she was calling them [police] but, sure enough, they came a few minutes after she had stopped talking on the phone,” a student in the class told ABC News. “They escorted [her] out and once the police had left out of the classroom, a lot of students started telling [the lecturer] she had done wrong, she was being disruptive of class time and she had taken matters out of control.”

The school determined that Moss “failed to manage her classroom effectively.” She will be allowed to return to her classroom in the spring if she meets certain requirements.

Meanwhile, the student at the center of the classroom incident issued the following statement:

The last couple of days have brought a whirlwind of emotions. The support I have received, especially from my classmates, has been very encouraging for me.

I have served in many leadership roles on campus through student organizations, on-campus employment, and as a UTSA mentor to local high school students in underprivileged areas. I am passionate about UTSA and its sense of community.

Throughout these investigations, I have been repeatedly asked whether I believe the incident on Monday was based on racism. My answer is no. However, the investigations confirmed that my professor has struggled with misidentifying me with other students.

My professor apologized to me today for her classroom reaction, and I apologized to her if my behavior appeared to be disruptive, unprofessional, or uncivil as a student. I am eager to move forward and put this behind me.

I have expressed interest in being a participant in discussions on how students from underrepresented groups are treated inside and outside the classroom.

I would like to thank the UTSA faculty and staff for the efficiency with which this matter was handled. To the UTSA students who provided witness accounts in the university’s investigations and to those who communicated their support: Thank you so much.

Moving forward, I would ask the public and the news media to respect my privacy so I may continue my studies without distraction.



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*The year’s best movie and a must see, “Green Book,” debunks white supremacists’ theory of superiority—in more ways than one. An average intelligent person would know that nothing could come of whites staying in the same hotel, eating at the same restaurant, or using the same bathroom as a black man. Yet, this depraved concept by many pseudo intelligent, wealthy whites existed as late as the 1960s.

“Green Book” tells an important story of race relations in America, but just as important is the relationship between DrDon Shirley (Mahershala Ali) and his chauffer, Tony “Lip” Vallelonga (Viggo Mortensen). When Tony ends up behind bars, Don tells him, “You can never win with violence.” Ironically, one of Mortensen’s best films is “A History of Violence.”

When bouncer Tony from an Italian-American neighborhood in the Bronx, is hired to drive Dr. Don Shirley, a world-class pianist, who lives at Carnegie Hall, on a concert tour through the Deep South, they must rely on “The Green Book” to guide them to the few establishments that were safe for blacks. Confronted with racism, and the dangers of Jim Crow laws, they set aside their differences and form a lifetime bond.

Directed by Peter Farrelly, “Green Book” also stars Linda CardelliniSebastian ManiscalcoDimiter DMarinov, and Don Stark.


Widows” is a familiar heist story but this time around women are in the driver’s seat. In the hands of director Steve McQueen, not only is the female centric concept different but the casting, particularly with Viola Davis as the desperate grieving wife left to clean up husband Harry Rawlins’ (Liam Neeson) mess. And kudos go the McQueen for the scene that show their son stopped by cops.

The story of “Widows” is set in contemporary Chicago, amid a time of turmoil, four women with nothing in common except a debt left behind by their dead husbands’ criminal activities, take fate into their own hands, and conspire to forge a future on their own terms.

Michelle RodriguezColin FarrellCynthia Erivo,  Robert DuvallElizabeth DebickiDaniel KaluuyaCarrie Coon, and Brian Tyree also star.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grendelwald

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grendelwald” (“FB”), directed by David Yates, picks up where “Fantastic Beasts” left off. The powerful Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald (Johnny Depp) was captured by MACUSA (Magical Congress of the United States of America), with the help of Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne).

In an effort to thwart Grindelwald’s plans, Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law) enlists his former student Newt Scamander to help. Lines are drawn as love and loyalty are tested, even among the truest friends and family, in an increasingly divided wizarding world.

“FB” continues to amaze with its spectacular special effects and character engagements. A favorite “beast” is Nagini (Claudia Kim). One of the creepiest onscreen transformations is James Earl Jones in “Conan The Barbarian.” Kim comes close to that.

J.K. Rowlands has always been inclusive with casting and “FB” is no exception. Members of the black cast include Zoe Kravitz, Carmen EjogoCornell John, Claudius Peters, William Nadylam, Jessica Williams, Isaura Barbé-Brown, Hugh Quarshie, Johanna Thea, and Thea Lamb.      Twitter: @thefilmstrip



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*Porsha Williams’ fiance/baby daddy has been slapped with a lawsuit for selling subpar items at his weave and extensions company, Queen Virgin Remy Hair. reports that Dennis McKinley has been accused by Kimberly Garlick of “selling faulty merchandise” in the amount of $400 and “refusing to mediate” in June 2014. McKinley filed a motion to dismiss the civil suit later that year.

“Plaintiff Kimberly Garlick improperly filed an action against Defendant,” the court papers read. “Defendant denies all of Plaintiff’s allegations. Specifically, Plaintiff alleges that Defendant sold faulty merchandise and refused to mediate.”

He claimed that Garlick “falsely indicated that she has an account with Defendant.”

“There is no legitimate basis under the facts of this case to substantiate a claim upon which relief may be granted,” he continued. “Defendant has never sold any merchandise to Plaintiff nor has had any dealings with Plaintiff, and therefore is an improperly named party to the lawsuit.”

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In September 2014, the Plaintiff asked for the case to be dismissed with prejudice.

In October, McKinley hit ex-girlfriend Shanise Thomason with a lawsuit for “trademark infringement, conversion and other wrongful acts” in regards to Queen Virgin Remy.

He claimed Thomason had no “ownership rights or interests in Queen Virgin Remy,” but that didn’t stop her from allegedly stealing $5,900 worth of merchandise from a retail store in Georgia on February 9, 2015, the report states. 

“Defendant Thomason entered the Queen Virgin Remy retail store in Columbus and unlawfully took Queen Virgin Remy hair products from the store without paying,” the May 8, 2015 complaint read. “Thomason entered into the Columbus store with a large black trash bag. She walked behind the front counter of the store and opened the door to the store’s stock room. She removed hair products inventory from storage bins and placed them into the black trash bag and left the store with the black trash bag filled with Queen Virgin Remy hair products.”

The ex-couple agreed upon a confidential settlement in 2018.

Meanwhile, Williams, 37, announced her pregnancy with McKinley in September. They are expecting a baby girl.




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*Los Angeles, CA — Hundreds of Los Angeles high school graduating seniors filled the Hyatt Hotel LAX today during the UNCF (United Negro College Fund) Empower Me Tour (EMT) for a chance to win thousands in scholarships. EMTis a free, traveling college-and-career-readiness roadshow that provides a platform for high school students to earn on-site scholarships and admission to the nation’s top historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs).

Five students were surprised on the spot with a $2,500 scholarship each. Christian Dixon, Mohamad Lorenzano and Jada Salazar of Susan Miller Dorsey High Schoolwere all top winners. Samad Acklin of Early College High Schooland Kiara Phillips ofUSC Media Arts High Schoolalso took home the top prize. “Every night I hear helicopters and police sirens,” says Samad Acklin. “This experience has pushed me to make education priority. I must establish a successful career as a plastic surgeon to provide for my family. This scholarship makes college a reality instead of just a dream,” adds the 17-year-old winner.

UNCF is the largest scholarship provider to students of color, awarding $100 million annually in scholarships to more than 10,000 students across the country. Several top celebrities are graduates of HBCUs.  Actress Taraji P. Henson is a 1995 alumna of Howard University; Terrence J. graduated from North Carolina A&T University; Rapper, Actor, Activist Common is graduate of FAMU, Samuel Jackson is proud alumus of Morehouse College, Oprah is a proud alumna of Tennessee State University.

UNCF winner Jada Salazar grew up in the foster care system and despite her adversities, she vows to fight against injustices. “Although I’ve been abused physically and verbally, applying for colleges and exploring opportunities help me to know that I can strive,” says the 17-year-old with hopes of attending Spelman College in Atlanta.

Through partnerships with theLos Angeles area public school districts, parents, national sponsors Wells Fargo, Target, P&G and FedEx, EMT offers access to information and recruiters from HBCUs, college prep workshops, dynamic presenters, and award-winning educational experts. Students will have an opportunity to apply for college admission, financial aid and scholarships including the EMT Merit Scholarship, presented in partnership with Target on the spot.

More photos (courtesy of UNCF/Tim Caver) from the event:

Los Angeles is the fifth of six stops on the Empower Me Tour. Other cities on the tour include Fort Worth, TX; Cincinnati, OH; Chicago, IL; Milwaukee, WI and Atlanta, GA. For more information, visit: You can follow EMT on social media @UNCF  #EmpowerMeTour.

About UNCF: UNCF (United Negro College Fund) is the nation’s largest and most effective minority education organization. To serve youth, the community and the nation, UNCF supports students’ education and development through scholarships and other programs, strengthens its 37 member colleges and universities, and advocates for the importance of minority education and college readiness. Today, UNCF supports more than 60,000 students at more than 1,100 colleges and universities across the country.  Learn more at, or for continuous news and updates, follow UNCF on Twitter, @UNCFand #EmpowerMeTour.




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*”Widows” is the rare Hollywood production that subverts your expectations in a positive way – while still leaving you feeling slightly unsatisfied when it ends.

The premise is refreshing. Turning the “men avenging a falling female loved one” on its head, “Widows” has its protagonists losing the men in their lived to a botched robbery and then trying to survive and thrive.

However, in the hands of director Steve McQueen, don’t expect a typical action/revenge picture. If anything, the film is a slow burn, with McQueen prioritizing putting the meat of characterization onto his characters’ bones rather than guns in their hands.

In short, don’t expect a female “Expendables” movie going into “Widows”.

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As the story unfolds, we see Veronica Rawlings (Viola Davis) a Chicago teacher’s union delegate and her husband Harry (Liam Neeson), a renowned bank robber with connections to politicians, in bed together. Though far from groundbreaking in 2018, such interracial scenes are still relatively rare. But McQueen takes you out of the moment by having Davis and Neeson using their tongues like lizards, which takes any romance, passion or even lust out of the scene.

Therein lies the main problem with “Widows”: McQueen and co-screenwriter Gilllian Flynn (“Gone Girl”) are so busy trying to give us curves, hey forget an occasional straight fastball can be just as effective.

That said, there is a lot to like here. Michelle Rodriguez actually gets a chance to act as Linda Perelli, one of the widows who was a clothing store owner before her husband’s demise. Elizabeth Debicki portrays Alice Gunner, who after losing her abusive husband, ponders life as an escort. There are many layers to Gunner’s character, as we see her as meek, to viewing why she accepted such harsh treatment from her husband when we see her mother (Jacki Weaver), who physically assaults her daughter and encourages her to become a high-priced hooker. Which has Alice wondering if love truly exists or if everything in life is “a transaction”.

Which brings us to Davis, who has found a role far superior to others she has portrayed recently in films like “Suicide Squad”. As the widow of the gang’s leader, Davis finds herself threatened by Jamal Manning, a crime boss and politician to whom she finds out the widows are indebted to the tune of $2 million. As she helps put a plan together to get enough money to pay the debt and set her and her crew up for the rest of their lives, the tension builds.

Brian Tyree Henry is excellent as Jamal Manning, who at 38, no longer wants to deal with “the life” and instead wants to immerse himself in the “honest stealing” and power that comes with elected office. .Likewise, Daniel Kaluuya gives a chilling turn as Jatemme Manning, Jamal’s brother and mob enforcer, whose performance has echoes of Wesley Snipes’ iconic Nini Brown in “New Jack City”.

Colin Farell also is given a role that plays to his strengths as Jack Mulligan, Jamal’s opponent and a politician who finds himself mixed up in the widows’ plans. We also find he alternates between embracing his family’s political legacy – as embodied by his father Tom (Robert Duvall) – and absolutely despising it, wondering what he is really accomplishing and how he is different from the thieves and whores he rails against.

There are other characters and developments, but there are many big, wicked curves in this film and I don’t want to spoil any of them.

Suffice to say that the film flirts with greatness, but never quite reaches it, never truly goes for it, never quite attains the peak of its promise. It deals with important issues, but what is both the film’s strength and weakness is that they are not always dealt with in a way that fits with the overall narrative.

As a heist film, it is far more intense, with more real stakes than “Ocean’s 8” – that’s for sure

A lot of this had to do with Davis, who is not quite convincing as a lover or leader. Some also has to do with the script, which could have played it straight and had the energy crackle a bit more.

Still, “Widows” is a memorable, engrossing film that reminds you of Hollywood’s ability to surprise. It constantly subverts your expectations in a good way.

Here’s hoping if the film gets a deserved sequel, they up the action just a little bit, though.

Grade: B+


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