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Artificial Intelligence

*We hear constantly, that the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is upon us. It can often seem all around us: Siri, Alexa, Google Home, Alpha Go. And yes there’s a lot of hyperbole, noise, in the air. A close observer, however, is compelled to acknowledge that there is also a clear signal in the air and that signal is rapidly growing in intensity.

Let’s quickly cover some basics. There’s Machine Learning (ML) and then there’s Artificial Intelligence (AI). ML is often referred to as supervised learning, which requires significant human involvement. More of the former exist in the world today, than the latter. A ML agent, or algorithm, has to be fed hordes of data and not in any mish-mash way. It then essentially scours through the mountains in search of insightful patterns, and needles in the haystack. Cynics are quick to point out that ML doesn’t have the wit of a toddler, in figuring out nuances and unspoken rules.

The quest is not only for magnificent data crunchers, but also for ‘reasoners’ who can form knowledge synapses on their own. Who, with less data, can begin to see and understand more on their own. (The Latin root ‘intelligere’ does means to understand.) The ‘on their own’ part is serious business and unveils a state of existence never before known; only imagined.

Along The Way

Though we are not ‘there’, one would be wise to understand that where we are can itself be breathtaking. If we fully grasp our now, we realize the very fabric of society is being rewoven. Consider this example.

There is a reservoir of information, experience, processes that give foundation to the practice of medicine. Though it is a dynamic body of knowledge, it shifts slowly as it is moved from one generation of humans to the next. This fact defines both it’s strengths and limitations.

What if what is known by 105,000 physicians, who had treated hundreds of millions of patients, was to be distilled; that is copied from human gray matter into digital matter? Would less be known? Would the veracity of it be somehow diminished? The answers are no and

1. Moving further: would the helpfulness of the knowledge be as dependable and effective? Via digital matter, would it be more readily (and cost effectively) accessible? The answers are yes and yes.

The above scenario does indeed exists, as Dr. AI; created by Silicon Valley based HealthTap. The implications are clear, aren’t they? Humans are no longer the sole holders of knowledge. As the saying goes: “if you didn’t know, now you know.”

Many Minds, Along With Digital Minds, Are Better

It’s been a long held human notion, that many minds are better than one. Look at where that has actually brought us. 105,000 physician-minds are surely better than one. Imagine if, and when, that number doubles or triples. And yes, add in the eventual digital mind (AI) into the mix and we’ll be squarely within a new model of knowing and leveraging what is known.

Envision the above model being duplicated and pointed toward addressing cancer and initially more specifically cancer among African Americans.

Disease in general, and cancer in particular, can often be a ‘head in the sand’ phenomenon. Something that is more easily put to the back of the mind, or sidestepped with wishful thinking. For example, about not being one of the 198 persons each and every hour who are diagnosed with cancer in the U.S. alone.

One thing that is known though, is that individuals will-in the privacy of their own home or phone-seek “Dr. Google”. More than 10 billion symptom related searches are conducted each year via Google. So significant is this matter, that it has helped birth a new discipline (Information Epidemiology or Infodemiology). In a digital age, people will seek health insight through a keyboard, and increasingly an actual verbal query (think Alexa, Google Home, Siri). This is a multi-faceted public health opportunity. On one hand, what people are thinking, feeling and wanting to know in reference to cancer can be examined. On the other hand, qualitative, peer-reviewed, experience driven information can be made available to a searching public.

We Need You, Yes You

If you’re reading this 1,000 Word segment, most likely you’re a medical professional in the field of oncology, a cancer researcher or cancer public advocate. You can help us in our quest to build an Oncology Virtual Expert Resource (OVER) for the African American community. Every day, in the midst of what you do, you hear, see and learn about how cancer affects humans and their response to the same. That is knowledge that can help drive better public awareness, address understandable fears of alienation and being overwhelmed and help us bridge persons and families to solid, trustworthy information on cancer.

Building OVER isn’t the work of a small circle. It’s a call for many minds, bolstered by best of breed knowledge-technology. Think Wikipedia meets AI. We need mind-hands that will help us aggregate the following (with proper citations and/or attribution):

  • the most frequently asked questions raised by those with cancer, or family members and friends with loved ones fighting cancer
  • the most essential ‘should know’ facts / insights for African Am’s facing/fighting cancer
  • insight nuggets from the field (i.e., research, treatment, therapies, public policy)
  • support strategies for friends, families, co-workers, neighbors, service providers

This list is not definitive. We’re open to suggestions. What does the most robust, intelligent knowledge-base on African Americans and cancer look like? Your thoughts?

To get started, this is what we need you to know and to do:

<> We use What’s App as our primary communication channel. If you’re already on it, add 312-982-9779 (1000 Words) to your phone’s contact base and ping us w/ What’s App (Identify yourself, your profession and who referred you to this project.)

<> If you’re not on What’s App, please download / install it and follow the above instructions.

We look forward to your spirited involvement.

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martin luther king jr.

*January 15, 1929: In the Sweet Auburn community of Atlanta, GA, at 501 Auburn Ave, the second child of Rev. Martin L. King, Sr. and Alberta Williams King made his way into this life. The world would come to know him as Martin L. King, Jr, the Nobel Prize winning Drum Major for Peace.

It is well documented that MLK packed high achievements into his short 39 years. Even so, there is so much that is not known and appreciated about his mind, his work and his life. This lapse indeed represents a significant social loss. To know the deeper depths, and finer points, of King’s social philosophy and the challenges he faced is an education in and of itself. It is one that may go a long way, in helping to cultivate an ongoing public conversation about collective values and their inherent call to civic engagement and activism if necessary.

King In An Instagram World

One of the most difficult-yet critical- of all human endeavors, is the baton passing from one generation to the next; of beacons holding the greatest capacity for lighting the way forward. Part of this social. Part of this is technical. Each generation does not always see through the glass in the same way. Tastes can change. Sensitivities can shift. Virtues can be rewritten.

Atop of that, though it’s not always obvious, mediums and interfaces can change; limiting access to facts, accounts, lessons and insights. How much information is trapped in the tombs of crumpling paper, or microfilm, reel-to-reel tape or VHS? Unsearchable. Unknowable.

Though our age has put the fossil-medium conundrum behind, hurdles of our own still exist. We have an unified medium (the Internet), and it may produced zettabytes of data, but that in and of itself represents an accessible and unfathomable forest. One result is that varying demographic groups encamp in particular sub-divisions of this cyberverse. One population in Facebook. Another in Twitter. Yet another in Instagram. One in Drudge and Fox Land.

Another in Guardian and Viceville. Each with clear preferences and distinct methods for consuming information. When there is something of common importance to all of these, how does one go about reaching the whole? 120 characters? Photo or video clips? Live stream?

Expressed another way: how can we speak, substantively, of Martin L. King, Jr. to all?

Questions And Voice..

Achieving the complex can often require leveraging the simple.

Case in point: questions engage and hook the mind. Period. This is reflected in the age old popularity of trivia, in its various forms: Jeopardy, HQ Trivia, Trivia Night events. Questions create opportunities for learning. When that process is gamified, the learning all the better; driven by an opportunity compete, to shine, to win.

Next point: voice is the easiest interface. In times past, the primitive level of our computer technology framed how we interacted with them and the power they represent. Very few will remember punch cards, but in fact they were the method for expressing commands to computer systems. A big step forward was the arrival of simple command line entry. Then the wondrous mouse and Graphic User Interface (GUI): “click the icon on the screen”. The next plateau on the horizon is the Voice User Interface. No need to move a finger, just speak.

Yes, Alexa, Cortana, Google Home and Siri represent the first born of this era.

When you think about it, it makes sense. A voice web requires no screen and frees you up from having to focus on a keyboard. “Just speak.” Now let’s connect our two points together and we get Voice Trivia. An ability to hear questions spoken and speak your answers in return, a form of conversational learning if you will. So, interesting and compelling questions about the mind, work and life of MLK gamified, as a means to cultivating interest in his importance then and now. The latest in technology meets an age old human proclivity.

And The Hive

The arrival of the voice web does not remove the human mind from the heart of the trivia enterprise. (At least not yet.) Though it is now easier to create and play subject trivia, the heavy lift of creating the questions still rest on human shoulders. For now. The power of the collective homo sapien intellect, the Swarm, the Hive, yet reigns.

Which brings us finally to what we’re up to.

In honor of 90 years since Dr. King’s birth, we want to compile 90 of the most magnetic questions and answer sets about him. Points of engagement that will show us how little we may really know, about one of the most iconic lives of the 20th century and the movement that it helped to catalyze.

Here’s a quick sample (No cheating by looking on the web, or asking Google Home):

<> What was the first book Dr. King authored?

<> What was the last book that he authored?

<> How many books in total did he, himself pen?

Ah, you’ve caught a taste of it. Is your mind hooked? Do you not only want to know the answers (if you already didn’t), but did other questions rush to mind on their own?

We need you to in The Hive. That simply means you will:

  1. research and craft (with proper citation- web URLs are fine) 1-3 question and answer sets on the mind, work and life of Dr. Martin L. King,
  2. you will submit the question(s) to us via What’s App (1,000 Words: 312-982-9779)
  3. you will recruit one to three other persons, to the same as you have done

As We Lift

The light of what is best among us shines, to the degree that we amplify it by lifting up. We can do this in creative and engaging ways, such as MLK Voice Trivia.

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*During an appearance on the “Tonight Show” Tuesday, Michelle Obama spoke about going to marriage counseling to “fix” her husband, former President Barack Obama — but the experience turned out to be a personal eye-opener.

The forever first lady also noted the importance of her sharing the story in her new memoir “Becoming” because she wants “young people to know that marriage is work.”

Hear her explain it via the clip above.

Mrs. Obama said during her experience going through marriage counseling, she thought she was “perfect” but soon learned she also had things to improve on.

“I was one of those wives who thought, ‘I’m taking you to marriage counseling so you can be fixed, Barack Obama.’ Because I was like, ‘I’m perfect.’ I was like, ‘Dr. X, please fix him,'” she said with a smile. “And then, our counselor looked over at me. I was like, ‘What are you looking at? I’m perfect.'”

She continued: “But marriage counseling was a turning point for me, understanding that it wasn’t up to my husband to make me happy, that I had to learn how to fill myself up, and how to put myself higher on my priority list.”

Obama said she wanted to share this particular marital experience in her new memoir because: “There are a lot of young people who look at me and Barack… and they think, ‘Oh, I want those #relationshipgoals,'” Obama said. “But I want young people to know that marriage is work. Even the best marriages require work.”

She concluded: “I don’t want young people to quit the minute they have a hardship. Because I always say, ‘Look, if you’re married for 50 years, and 10 of them are horrible, you’re doing really good.’ Anybody would take those odds.”

The Obamas celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary in October.

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*Meghan Markle reportedly held a secret “power meeting” with Michelle Obama to discuss  “shared” causes, including promoting girls education around the world.

The dynamic duo met Monday night in London, while the former First Lady was in town to promote her new memoir, “Becoming.”

Per the Standard:

A friend who was also at the event said Meghan “had a long private audience with Michelle. They spoke at length about the importance of supporting and empowering women across all cultures and communities. They also talked about shared experiences of pregnancy and raising children, plus shared causes including girls’ education.”

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This encounter comes fresh off the advice the forever FLOTUS publicly shared with the newest member of the Royal Family.

“Like me, Meghan probably never dreamt that she’d have a life like this, and the pressure you feel — from yourself and from others — can sometimes feel like a lot,” Obama said in Good Housekeeping’s January issue. “So my biggest piece of advice would be to take some time and don’t be in a hurry to do anything.”

Obama previously recalled the protocol that she was told to follow when she and Barack Obama made their last official visit to Windsor Castle in 2016. The couple was told they were going to land at the castle in Marine One and then be driven by the Queen, according to the British Press Association.

“People are talking to other people and then you’re briefed, and you’re told, ‘This is going to happen and don’t stand there and don’t touch there and this is precisely what is going on,'” she said.
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*Michelle Obama spoke about her style choices as first lady during a sold-out sit-down with “Sex and the City” star Sarah Jessica Parker as part of her “Becoming” book tour Wednesday night.

But it wasn’t what she said that’s got folks blowing up social media, it’s the $4,000 sequin Balenciaga thigh-high boots she slayed in to close out the tour at the Barclays Centre in Brooklyn.

“All other boots are cancelled,” Cosmopolitan magazine declared.

“Naturally, Michelle dressed up for the occasion, and when I say ‘dressed up’ I mean she rendered all other lewks irrelevant thanks to a pair of sparkly gold thigh-high boots worth almost $4,000,” wrote Mehera Bonner.

“RIP my shoe collection because all other boots are dead to me.”

Mrs. Obama paired the jaw-dropping over-the-knee boots with a striking yellow Balenciago dress. One Twitter user wrote: “Michelle Obama got my social media feeds ablaze with those fire ass thigh high boots. She inspires women on so many levels and I’m here for this kind.”

Another said: “When I die, please project these blessed images of Michelle Obama’s boots on my tombstone”

Michelle explained to SJP that, as first lady, she knew the clothes she wore would be discussed.

“I did know that my clothes were making a statement, I knew that was the case. So we decided why don’t we use this platform to uplift some young new designers who normally wouldn’t get this kind of attention, because you can change their lives, which is one of the reasons why we chose Jason Wu for my inaugural gown.”

Michelle said Wu was surprised to receive such an honor, while other big-name designers felt entitled to the job.

“You learn that there are people in this scene who feel entitled to these things because they’ve done it for a while, and I hated that feeling. There are whole lot of people out here who are trying to make it, there are young women and immigrants and black folk.”

Obama continued: “I didn’t want to wear the clothes of someone who didn’t have a good spirit, and you could hear these things, you could hear how they treated my staff or how they treated their works, so everyone I wore as far as I knew had a good spirit as well.”

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Trump on phone with kid on Christmas Eve

Leave it to the orange a-hole in the White House to screw up a child’s belief in Santa Claus. Yep, the words that came out of President Trump‘s mouth challenged a 7-year-old child who apparently dares to still believe in Santa Claus.

On Christmas Eve, Dump, er Trump and FLOTUS  Melania were on the phone taking NORAD (North American Air Defense Command) calls Trump asked the youngster if he still believed in Santa. It seems the kid said he did, and Trump responded, “At 7 it’s marginal, right?”

It was just the other day that Trump was sitting in the White House … alone after the government shut down over the budget crisis. He had planned to spend the holiday at Mar-a-Lago.

Oh waell. Guess who’s fault that is. No Christmas in Mar-A-Lago for you!

If you’re keeping track, this is the first time Trump has appeared in public since the shutdown (he ordered) began 3 days ago.

Meanwhile, onthe other side of the country, Sean Diddy Combs and his twin daughters posed for a sweet Christmas pic, showing the strength of their family bond in the wake of the terrible tragedy that befell them, reports TMZ.

Diddy and 12-year-old twins Jessie James and D’Lila Star mugged for the camera. Diddy’s words … “L O V E MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND YOURS.”

As you no doubt recall, the twins’ mom, 47-year-old Kim Porter, died last month at her L.A. home. She had been battling the flu, although cause of death is still pending.

Also last month, the family held an elaborate funeral in Columbus, Georgia, where hundreds of people showed up to mourn and support the family.

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Kanye West

*Kanye West has recently decided to bring his fashion to the world of controversial politics – even though no one really asked him to do so. He still went ahead and designed some t-shirts which were meant to urge African-Americans to go ahead and leave the Democratic Party by branding them with the words, “Blexit.”

As far as the brand name of this ‘campaign’ goes, it brings about something very horrible to our minds. The New York Post covered the launch of these shirts as they appeared at the Young Black Leadership Conference’s Turning Point that was held in Washington D.C. This is where the Communications Director at Turning Point was quoted as saying that he was blessed to be a part of Blexit and the renaissance that it brought forward.

The Director of Talking Point also came forward to say that Kanye West has taken some very bold steps to take America into a conversation that was much needed. That being said, the Blexit website has also notified its readers that it aims to impact all the freethinkers in the country so they could release themselves from all kinds of political orthodoxy.

Even though Blexit sounds more like the sounds a dying sheep may make, you may relate this word to a completely different type of renaissance – a more abominable one! As many users on the Breitbart website found, Blexit is apparently a national movement of sorts that wants people to awaken to the truth. It is a movement which is aimed at targeting those people who support leftist political parties and candidates. Now this movement asks them the question, “What does this allegiance have to show for it?”

Apparently the ‘explanation’ of the campaign was received well, but the designs were what really got people riled up. As some tweets suggested, people called the campaign designs horrendous, and that it portrayed something very wrong at first glance. But why were people confused?

The shirts in this ‘Yeezy’ special collection have the words ‘Blexit’ emblazoned across the chest. The campaign website says that Kanye is involved in the campaign directly, but Kanye refused to comment on these views complete. We supposed the cellular reception in his tree house may be a little weak, or maybe he’s just being his usual self.

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michelle obama

*Americans have voted and the woman they most admire is former first lady Michelle Obama, according to a Gallup poll.

As reported by USA Today, this is the first time in 17 years a woman other than Hillary Clinton topped Gallup’s Most Admired Woman list.


Gallup’s annual survey, conducted Dec. 3-12 this year, asks Americans, in an open-ended question, to name the man and woman living anywhere in the world today whom they admire most. Gallup first asked the question in 1946 and has done so every year since, except 1976.

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About 15 percent of those surveyed this year named Michelle Obama as the woman the most admire while Oprah Winfrey came in second with 5 percent of the votes. Clinton tied for third place with first lady Melania Trump. They each received 4 percent. Also on the list: Queen Elizabeth, Angela Merkel, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Ellen DeGeneres.

Meanwhile, former President Barack Obama was the winner among men for the 11th consecutive year.

Here’s the full list of the most admired women, 2018:

Michelle Obama

Oprah Winfrey

Hillary Clinton

Melania Trump

Queen Elizabeth

Angela Merkel

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Ellen DeGeneres

Nikki Haley

Malala Yousafzai

Nancy Pelosi

The top 5 most admired men, 2018:

Barack Obama

Donald Trump

George W. Bush

Pope Francis

Bill Gates

To see the complete results of the Gallup poll, visit the website.

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barack - michelle

*Did you know that Michelle and Barack Obama have inked a contract with Netflix in what is probably a very lucrative production deal? Back when this deal had unknown entertainment value, the media was only aware of the fact that it will potentially be a docu-series. This deal was also reported to be worth $65 million because it involved the Obama couple’s respective memoirs.

The official press release of this deal, however, released that the name of the series would be The Fifth Risk, and it would help the world understand some of the inner workings of the government. The official press release also revealed that the series will follow all the mismanagement and chaos that has been seen in the departments of Commerce, Agriculture, and Energy after the hand-off of the Presidency from Barack Obama to Donald Trump.

A spokesperson of the production team said …

“Think of this as a funny, timeless civics lesson for adults. It’s not a political statement.”

This was said because people were of the opinion the project will be more of a political statement and less of an informative documentary. To the contrary, the goal of this series is to humorously portray the way in which these agencies improve our lives. The spokesperson continued to shed light on the theme of the series by saying:

”Michael Lewis has written a love letter to the often-nameless public servants who carry out core duties that most of us never think about.”

Even though the Obamas can be seen campaigning for the Democratic Party and shunning President Donald Trump nowadays, this series has apparently nothing to do with all the chaos. The spokesperson said that it doesn’t matter what a person’s political background is – they need to stop questioning government officials’ patriotism and vilifying them.

So what we know now is that the docu-series will educate people about the fact that whatever the beliefs of the government are – they shouldn’t be tagged as enemies of the people. Former President Obama said that even though people criticize the government a lot, they still tend to expect and be concerned about civility from those in charge.

We now know what the series is going to be about, but we’re also sure they can’t launch a whole series about the government without poking some fun at Donald Trump. We’ll just have to wait and see.

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*In a new profile of Gayle King for the New York Times, the “CBS This Morning” co-host and her BFF Oprah Winfrey opened up to reporter Amy Chozick about how their close bond developed.

Oprah and Gayle met in their early 20s when they were both working for a TV station in Baltimore. It’s known that Oprah let Gayle crash at her house and borrow some clothes when King was unable to get home due to bad weather,  

According to the Times, they stayed up all night talking and learned they had vastly different upbringings; Gayle grew up with a housekeeper in Turkey (where her dad worked for the U.S. government), while Oprah’s teenage mom worked as a maid in rural Mississippi. But, as Winfrey told the publication:

“We were two black girls who loved being black, who loved the experience of growing up black girls in America, and we felt our value system was very much the same — our dreams were the same,” she said, adding, “Both of us grew up as black girls striving to do better in our lives.”

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Oprah went on to talk about how not having jealousy or animosity between them has helped their friendship endure. She also confirmed that her bestie wants her to run for president in 2020.

“It’s actually really surprised me,” Winfrey told the Times. “She is still talking about ‘the perfect ticket,’ and I said, ‘I don’t get it. I don’t get why you keep doing this? You of all people are supposed to care about my life.’”

“And she said, ‘The country is bigger than your life,’” Winfrey added.

But King told “CBS This Morning” in January, “I don’t think she’s actually considering it.”

She later added, “I do think she’s intrigued by the idea. I do think that.”

Winfrey has dismissed talk of a 2020 presidential campaign, saying in an interview with InStyle that she has no interested in the Oval Office.

Check out the full Times profile for more.

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kanye west - donald trump1

*In case you had any doubts about Kanye West and the orange a-hole in the White House being buddies in 2019,  be advised that nothing’s changed.

No sire  buddy! Ye took to Twitter on New Years day to let the world that that he’s renewing his vows to continue loving Donald Trump‘s orange arse and there ain’t nothing you can do about it.

“Trump all day,” the rapper tweeted on Tuesday, adding, “Just so in 2019 you know where I stand.”

West also made sure to make his BS soaked (non)point about African-Americans being forced to support Democrats.

“They will not program me … Blacks are 90% Democrats That sounds like control to me

If you had stopped paying attention to Kanye, you might missed his statement back in October  about “distancing” himself from political issues.

“My eyes are now wide open and now realize I’ve been used to spread messages I don’t believe in,” bhe tweeted at the time.

Of course, if you’re talking about Kanye West and Donald Trump, who can forget the super bizaare scene of the the two of them in the Oval Office at  the White House last Summer. Also in 2018, Kanye wore a MAGA hat on Twitter and ranted about the White House occupant during his appearance on “Saturday Night Live.”

West first defended his support for Trump back in April of 2018.

“You don’t have to agree with trump but the mob can’t make me not love him. We are both dragon energy. He is my brother,” West wrote. “I love everyone. I don’t agree with everything anyone does. That’s what makes us individuals. And we have the right to independent thought.”

He added this:

“If your friend jumps off the bridge you don’t have to do the same. Ye being Ye is a fight for you to be you. For people In my life the idea of Trump is pretty much a 50 50 split but I don’t tell a Hillary supporter not to support Hillary. I love Hillary too.”

In related news, the Wests are having ANOTHER baby! Yep, Kim Kardashian and Kanye are expecting their fourth child, a boy, via surrogate, multiple sources confirm in the new issue of Us Weekly.

In August, Us reported that the couple, who used a surrogate for their third child, 11-month-old Chicago, had one embryo left, a male. Now he’s due to arrive “in very early May,” says an insider.

In addition to baby Chicago, the couple are also parents to North, 5, and Saint, 3, and another source reveals that 38-year-old Kardashian “always wanted four kids.”

For more on the reality star’s surrogacy journey, check out the video above.

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*Brazil’s recently elected president is of basically the same mindset as Donald Trump. On Tuesday (Jan 1, 2019), far-right President Jair Bolsonaro was installed in office and immediately issued executive orders targeting the country’s indigenous groups, descendants of slaves and the LGBT community in the first hours of his administration.

Bolsanaro’s actions come after a campaign in which the leader said he would radically overhaul many aspects of life in Latin America’s largest nation, according to a report via Aljazeera:

One of the orders issued late on Tuesday, hours after his inauguration, will likely make it all but impossible for new lands to be identified and demarcated for indigenous communities. Areas set aside for “Quilombolas”, as descendants of former slaves are known, are also affected by the decision.

In the move favourable to his allies in agribusiness, which have criticised giving large swaths of lands to native groups, Bolsonaro transferred the responsibilities for delineating indigenous territories from the Justice Ministry to the Agriculture Ministry. The new agriculture minister, Tereza Cristina, is part of the agribusiness caucus in Brazil’s lower house and has opposed requests from native communities.

The temporary decree, which will expire unless it is ratified within 120 days by Congress, strips power over land claim decisions from indigenous affairs agency FUNAI, previously under the Justice Ministry. FUNAI, which also oversees other initiatives for indigenous communities such as healthcare, housing and language preservation, will be moved into a new ministry for family, women and human rights.

Meantime, Marina Silva, who ran against Bolsanaro and lost in the October election, reacted with shock to the orders.

“Bolsonaro has begun his government in the worst possible way,” she wrote on Twitter.

Dinama Tuxa, a member of Brazil’s Association of Indigenous Peoples, said many isolated communities viewed Bolsonaro’s administration with fear.

“We are very afraid because Bolsonaro is attacking indigenous policies, rolling back environmental protections, authorizing the invasion of indigenous territories and endorsing violence against indigenous peoples,” Tuxa said.

You can read the rest of this story at Aljazeera.

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*Dammit! Democrats in the House are not thrilled with incoming freshman Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib of Michigan for her expletive-riddled statement about impeaching Donald Trump. Apparently she didn’t get the memo regarding their approach (carefully crafted rhetoric)  to take on the president.

As has been reported, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats have long argued that impeachment is a last resort that would come at the end of exhaustive oversight and investigations. Unfortunately, today the media is spotlighting  the profane words of Rep. Tlaib who told a crowd of progressive activists Thursday night that “we’re gonna impeach the motherf**ker!

It didn’t take long for her colleagues – rearing dam ge her comments could cause, spoke out against her. They pointed out that Republicans would hold it up as proof that Democrats were playing politics rather than pursuing genuine oversight of the president — even if the GOP never showed interest in investigating Trump scandals while they were in power.

“Mueller hasn’t even produced his report yet!” said Rep. Ron Kind (D-Wis.), referring to special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe. “People should cool their jets a little bit, let the prosecutors do their job and finish the investigation.”

“Inappropriate,” added Rep. Jim Costa (D-Calif.). “As elected officials I think we should be expected to set a high bar… It’s not helpful.”

Even California Democratic Rep. Brad Sherman, who introduced an impeachment resolution earlier this week, was shocked. His eyes bulged in disbelief when a reporter read him Tlaib’s comments and he was speechless for several seconds.

After he regained his composure, Sherman said that kind of language was detrimental to the cause: “That’s not language I would use…I think the office of the presidency should be treated with respect.”

Party elders also sought to calm talk of impeachment without criticizing Tlaib directly. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), the new chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, called Talib’s comments “inappropriate” and said, “We need to be patient.”

“You can’t accomplish very much of anything unless you have civility and show respect for your colleagues,” Cummings said. “Those kind of comments do not take us in the right direction.”

Pelosi said while she didn’t agree with the language, she also didn’t think anyone “should make a big deal” about the expletive, noting the president is also known for having a foul mouth sometimes.

“I’m not in the censorship business. I don’t like that language, I wouldn’t use that language, but I wouldn’t establish language standards for my colleagues,” Pelosi said during an MSNBC town hall Friday morning.

Read/learn MORE at at Politico.

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*Former President Barack Obama has debuted on Billboard’s Hot R&B Songs chart at number 22 with his gospel-inspired remix of a song by Lin-Manuel Miranda that originally appeared in the hit Broadway musical “Hamilton.”

Obama’s “One Last Time (44 Remix)” dropped before Christmas as part of Miranda’s “Hamildrops” remixes and features cast member Christopher Jackson and gospel singer BeBe Winans.

Have a listen to the song via the player above.

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Proceeds from sales of the remixes, which features various celebrities including “Weird Al” Yankovic and Mobb Deep, will reportedly go to charity.

The “One Last Time” entry is called the “44 Remix” and has Obama reading a passage from George Washington’s farewell address.

The track was the final selection of the 2018 “Hamildrop” series in which Miranda, a former substitute teacher, released remixes of tracks from his hit musical every month throughout the year.

As a reported “Hamilton” superfan, it is fitting that Obama would feature on a remix as the cast performed the original song at the White House for a student workshop during his presidency.
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Tenn. Governor Considering Clemency for Cyntoia Brown

*There’s good news for Cyntoia Brown Earlier today, Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam said he is commuting her sentence of life in prison to supervised parole.

If you’re not familiar with her story, Brown was convicted in 2006  of first-degree murder and aggravated robbery in the 2004 murder of Nashville real estate agent Johnny Allen after Brown (who was 16 at the time) was picked up by Allen and taken to his home. She claimed she was a sex trafficking victim.

Brown, now 30, was tried as an adult in 2006 and imprisoned in Tennessee following her trial and life sentence for the death of Johnny Mitchell Allen, who paid Brown for sex.

Brown’s horrifying and unreal original sentence was life in prison with the possibility of parole after serving a minimum of 51 years in prison, which means she would not have been eligible for parole until 2055 at the earliest.

“This decision comes after careful consideration of what is a tragic and complex case,” Haslam said.  “Cyntoia Brown committed, by her own admission, a horrific crime at the age of 16.  Yet, imposing a life sentence on a juvenile that would require her to serve at least 51 years before even being eligible for parole consideration is too harsh, especially in light of the extraordinary steps Ms. Brown has taken to rebuild her life.  Transformation should be accompanied by hope.  So, I am commuting Ms. Brown’s sentence, subject to certain conditions.”

Several dozen supporters of Brown attended a rally Saturday in Nashville, pleading for her clemency from Haslam, whose terms ends Jan. 19.

The bottom line is that Cyntoia Brown will be released from prison on August 7, 2019, but will remain on supervised parole for 10 years. Her parole conditions will require that she not violate any state or federal laws and she must meet certain other conditions including employment, education, counseling and community engagement.

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ed buck

*The name Ed Buck may or may not ring a bell. For those who don’t know, he is wealthy Democratic donor who has contributed to politicians like Hillary Clinton and California Gov. Jerry Brown.

As we reported last year in July, Gemmel Moore, a 26-year-old gay black man died in Buck’s West Hollywood home. Now it’s happened again.

Yes, another young black man has been found dead in Buck’s West Hollywood home and as of this posting, no arrests have been made.

The Advocateis reporting that Buck has a “fetish for shooting drugs into black men he picks up off the street or on hookup sites.” The L.A. County Coroner’s office said Moore’s death on July 27, 2017, was due to an overdose of methamphetamine a/k/a crystal meth.

The Los Angeles Times reported that Moore wrote in a journal a few months before he died that he was using drugs and “Ed Buck is the one to thank. He gave me my first injection of chrystal [sic] meth.” On July 4, 23 days before Moore died, an escort reported Buck to authorities but nothing was done. After Moore died, Buck’s apartment was searched and allegedly “found the following items in Buck’s two-bedroom apartment: 24 syringes with brown residue, five glass pipes with white residue and burn marks, a plastic straw with possible white residue, clear plastic bags with white powdery residue and a clear plastic bag with a ‘piece of crystal-like substance.’”

For whatever reason, Buck was never charged with anything. Buck’s attorney at the time, Seymour Amster, said:

“I think it’s time to bring this tragedy to a conclusion. This was an accidental death. This was an unfortunate death … but that doesn’t mean we can make spurious accusations and spin something out of control.”

As far as activist Jasmyne Cannick is concerned, she is calling on the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department to arrest Buck and for District Attorney Jackie Lacey (who happens to be be black), to “prosecute him for murder after another young black gay man was found dead in his West Hollywood apartment of an apparent overdose.”

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trump - congress - governnent shutdown

*BALTIMORE – Today (01/08/19) marks day 17 of the partial government shutdown and importantly, it also marks the second week without pay for the 800,000 government workers and millions of others who depend on government agencies.

It’s unconscionable that Americans are forced to suffer the brunt and being held as political hostages because of President Trump’s unreasonable pursuit for a border wall we simply can’t afford and don’t need. As we have seen historically from Berlin to China, walls don’t work and not an effective way to remedy our broken immigration system.

Many government workers have shared their #ShutdownStories. It’s clear that this shutdown has put them in an untenable position. Both Trump and Congress have a duty to the American people that exceed whatever political leanings they may have. This shutdown is a disservice and a disgrace to our nation.

Although we do not know what will be discussed during Trump’s address tonight, what we do know is that the information in which he is basing the need of this wall on is not evidence based, however its implication will affect more than just immigration at the southern border. This is nothing but a veil attempt to spread his xenophobic rhetoric to his base and scare others into thinking that this wall is needed while holding government workers as political hostages.

NAACP is calling on the White House and Congress to work swiftly and put an end to this shutdown in a way that does not compromise the integrity of our country.

Sign petition to end the government shutdown.

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schumer pelosi durban

*(Reuters via MSN News) – President Trump walked out of a White House meeting with congressional leaders Wednesday afternoon over the partial government shutdown after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi again rejected supporting new funding for a border wall, according to those in the meeting.

Speaking to reporters after the brief session, New York Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer, the Senate minority leader, said the “president just got up and walked out.”

The president, in a tweet, called the meeting “a total waste of time” and appeared to confirm that he left after Pelosi’s answer.

“I asked what is going to happen in 30 days if I quickly open things up, are you going to approve Border Security which includes a Wall or Steel Barrier? Nancy said, NO. I said bye-bye, nothing else works!” Trump tweeted.

The meeting in the Situation Room Wednesday afternoon came ahead of Trump’s planned trip to the southern Texas border on Thursday. Earlier, the president traveled to Capitol Hill to meet with Senate Republicans, saying afterward, “We have a very unified party.”

Get the FULL story at MSN News.

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Maxine Waters

*As the new year rolls onward, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who is now the first Black and the first woman to chair the House Financial Services Committee, is not holding back on her criticism of Donald Trump.

On Sunday, Waters took to Twitter to warn 45 that “even your most vocal defenders will turn on you w/ your shutdown when there’s no food on the table, the rent is not paid, the car is repossessed, & the childrenTru need shoes.”

“No American who works for our govt should be treated this way while you are living off the govt,” she added.

Trump and Congress, meanwhile, continue to make history for all the wrong reasons as we enter the 24th day of the partial government shutdown.

“Trump, you didn’t get $5 billion to carry out your ill advised election promise & now you want to declare an emergency. The only emergency facing our country is the need to impeach you before you destroy our country, our ideals, & leadership in the world. Trump, go home. Bye bye!”

According to The Washington Post “Trump’s advisers are scrambling to build an exit ramp while also bracing for the shutdown to last weeks longer. Current and former aides said there is little strategy in the White House; people are frustrated and, in the words of one, ‘freaking. out.'”

Auntie Maxine also read Trump for filth over his alleged ties to Russia, writing: “Please. No one should wonder why Manafort gave polling data to Russians. The only reason Russians wanted this info was to use it against H. Clinton in support of Trump. Why do you think Manafort w/ all his ties to Russia & Ukraine was in the campaign to begin with? Stay woke!”

FBI officials questioned whether Trump was “acting at the behest of” Russia after he fired former FBI director James Comey in 2017, The Hill reports.

“No surprise the FBI questioned Trump’s allegiance to US! He meets w/ Putin 5 times in secret w/ no readout; gave Russians classified info in WH; disregarded US intel on Russia; praised Putin’s election; lies abt his deals in Russia. Is there any question Trump is a Russian agent?,” Waters wrote.

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Kerry Washington

*Kerry Washington, Congresswoman Maxine Waters and many social media users have slammed CBS News for its lack of Black journalists covering the 2020 election.

When the network recently announced its lineup of reporters and producers that will cover the campaign trail, one Twitter user noted what many agreed with: “It lacks representation from the largest minority group in the nation.”

The former “Scandal” actress took to Twitter to voice her frustration with the lack of representation. She wrote:

“Dear @CBS News, I am encouraged by the diversity you DID include. But when it comes time to discuss the inevitable role that race and racism will play in the election, who will you turn to for a perspective with nuanced & personal understanding of the African American experience?”

The lineup of eight campaign reporters and four producers does not have any Black journalists. There are, however, several other minorities represented.

“Wow. I’m sure some exec somewhere looked at this and thought, “Hey! We’ve got a guy with an Arab name, a woman with a Latinx name, and an Asian! How diverse!” That exec is wrong,” wrote Twitter user N. K. Jemison.

User @Lexialex said: “If we have to get some non-whites, make them men. A couple of Asians and one of them A-rabs. That should do.”

And Auntie Maxine wrote: “CBS, the efforts on your website about your support for diversity flies in the face of your display of all of the reporters you’ve selected for the 2020 campaign. Not one black. What’s up with this? An explanation is needed.”

Many others agreed with Waters and Washington:

As reported by Yahoo, this isn’t the first time Washington has called out CBS News about its lack of diversity.

Back in December, she mentioned the network during a speaking engagement at The Wing. “Come along for the ride, CBS,” she said, encouraging the news team to embrace a woman of color.

Meanwhile, Twitter user @kiesehansen said of the mostly white team of newly assembled reporters that will be covering the 2020 election:

“A lot of these comments say “you couldn’t find one?” but we really should be asking, you couldn’t find at least two?? & I say that for all demographics that need to be represented. It’s 2019. No more being the ONLY one on a team, in the room, etc.”

Another commenter tweeted the network directly asked, “Does CBS stand for Caucasian Broadcasting Service now? Did we miss the memo?”

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